We are all currently finding ourselves in extraordinary circumstances and unchartered territory. The COVID-19 coronavirus is having a significant impact on everyday life.

People who foster are amongst the most resourceful people we know, and we applaud their commitment and dedication to this crucial work that makes such an enormous difference to children and to our wider society.

In line with Government guidance, we respect the rights of foster parents, as key workers, to keep themselves, their families and the children in their care as safe as possible during this pandemic.

We are aware that many children and young people in foster care will be fearful about the effects of COVID-19 and this may trigger other traumatic memories.

This, along with the prospect of foster families spending a number of weeks confined to their homes may bring additional challenges. It is therefore our aim to provide support and safety and to share our expertise so that we continue to offer and contribute to a safe and secure environment for the whole foster family. (Mica’s webinar/blog link?)

During this time of national emergency we are using digital technology and professional networks that deliver innovative ways to keep working, without compromising safety, to support foster parents so that they are not required to attend face to face meetings. The following few weeks may be difficult but support and services will still be offered via phone, video call, webinars and online meeting facilities.

Fostering can occasionally feel isolating at the best of times and it is important that foster parents do not feel forgotten about or neglected during this difficult period; our team is here to provide advice, guidance or a friendly ear when you need it most.

It is a sad reality that during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the important instruction to ‘Stay At Home’, parents and children living with domestic violence will be at greater peril, resulting in even more children needing a foster family. In line with recommendations from Coram Baaf, The Fostering Network and Ofsted, recruitment of new foster families must continue, and Flourish Fostering will utilise appropriate technology to continue with applications, assessments and panels during this time of social distancing restrictions.