Youth Zone
Welcome to Flourish Fostering and welcome to our Youth Zone!
This area of our website is specifically for children and young people. The first thing you need to know is there’s a clue in our name… our mission is to make sure we provide you with what you need to flourish and grow.
But before you look around, don’t forget that you have a right to ask questions and be happy in your home. If you are having difficulties or are worried about something, you can raise this with a number of people in your support network.

You know there are some things you don’t get to have control of, but as much as we can we want to give you choices and options for yourself. We hope to get to know you so much more from what you choose to let us know; and we know that takes time.
What Ofsted Have To Say
The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is the Government Department that is responsible for inspecting services that provide education institutions, including state schools and some independent schools, colleges, childminders and childcare providers, and children and family service such as fostering organisations.
You can read the latest Ofsted inspection that was carried out of Flourish Fostering below:

Finally, and most importantly, we want you to be happy and feel safe and secure in your home.
If you should have and difficulties, are worried about something, or simply just wish to talk to us, we are always here for you and will help you. For any complaints or concerns, you can always contact us and we will listen to you.
Helping children and young people stay safe online
It’s not always easy to know what’s safe online and what’s not.
This section of our website provides advice and support to help you to keep safe and to know what to do when things go wrong.
There are lots of fun and interesting things you can do on the internet. And it can be a great way to stay in touch with friends. But it’s important to understand how to stay safe online.
Sometimes people will try to trick you into clicking dangerous links or sharing things about yourself. Or something you’ve shared might be used to bully or frighten you.

Ways to help you feel better
Thank you to the UK Safer Internet Centre – a partnership of three leading organisations (Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and SWGf) for providing information on this page.
Contact Us
Contact Details
Office Hours
9:00am – 5:00pm
Flourish Fostering (South), The Cedars,
Holborough Road, Snodland Kent ME6 5PL
0808 129 5311
Office Hours
9:00am – 5:00pm
57A Buxton Road, Stockport SK2 6NB
0161 249 9420
For general enquiries, please fill out the form below. We’ll respond as soon as possible.