Welcome to our Fostering Quiz, created to help you familiarise yourself with the typical questions you may be asked in the initial assessment phase of our fostering process.

Our quiz has 10 questions and is a fun way to find out what Flourish Fostering look for when people apply to be a Foster Parent with us, and most importantly whether fostering is the right choice for you.

We know that fostering takes a special type of person and that it is not the right fit for everyone.  As you seek your own answer to the question, “Is fostering right for me?”, it’s equally important to explore the question, “Am I right for fostering?”

The goal of this quiz is to help you and your family identify, clarify, and discuss your feelings and goals about becoming a Foster Parent.  If you have a partner, it’s a great idea to complete the quiz separately, then compare and discuss your answers – write down your answers on a sheet of paper as you read through the questions.

At the end of our quiz, should you decide that fostering is the right choice for you and your family, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life!

  • Question 1:    Do you have to be married, living together or in a relationship to be able to foster?
  • Answer:           A. Yes              B. No
  • Question 2:    Are you aged over 21 years, in good health and a non-smoker?
  • Answer:           A. Yes              B. No
  • Question 3:    Do you have a house with a spare bedroom?
  • Answer:           A. Yes              B. No
  • Question 4:    Have you worked with or cared for children before?
  • Answer:           A. Yes              B. No
  • Question 5:    Would you say that you are a patient, kind and caring person who enjoys helping others?
  • Answer:           A. Yes, all the time.    B. Yes, sometimes/occasionally.        C. Not Really.
  • Question 6:    Are you willing to learn and develop your skills, and undertake therapeutic training, and work as part of a dedicated team approach?
  • Answer:           A. Yes              B. No               C. Not Sure
  • Question 7:    Are interested in becoming a Foster Parent because you want to get paid?
  • Answer:           A. Yes              B. No
  • Question 8:    Do you get stressed out, anxious and overwhelmed easily?
  • Answer:           A. Yes              B. Sometimes but not very often.      C. No
  • Question 9:    Are you prepared to give your time, love and attention to a foster child or young person in your care?
  • Answer:        A. Yes, I’m ready.       B. I’m not sure/I don’t think I’m ready.
  • Question 10: Many foster children have behavioural problems.  Therapeutic Foster Parents undertake additional, specialist training concerning the diagnosis and background of children and are likely to require more supervision, does this worry you?
  • Answer:           A. Yes, but I’m keen to learn.             B. No

How Did You Do?

Check your answers from the below, then add up your total score to find out how you did (one point awarded for each correct question).

Question 1: B.  Question 2: A.  Question 3: A.  Question 4: A.  Question 5: A.  Question 6: A.  Question 7: B.  Question 8: C.  Question 9: A.  Question 10: One mark for answering either A or B.

Is Fostering Right For Me?

8-10: Well done, you’re exactly the type of person that may suit a career in fostering, and we’d love to speak to you about rewarding opportunities as a Foster Parent.  Get in in touch with us at hello@flourishfostering.co.uk.

6-7: Congratulations, it looks likely that you could become a Foster Parent with us but may need some help to understand what becoming a Foster Parent means.  To speak to our team, email us at hello@flourishfostering.co.uk.

5 or Below: Although fostering may not be for you, this is only a light-hearted quiz that gives a very simply overview.  You may benefit from reading up on what it takes to be a Foster Parent; our website www.flourishfostering.co.uk has lots of useful information and guidance.

At Flourish Fostering our Foster Parents make a huge difference to children’s lives.  To find out more about what it takes and get started on your journey with us, get in touch with our friendly team today.